Thursday, February 12, 2009


Since Lilia and Heather the Feather who wears Leather and likes the Weather posted a blog with pictures I think I will too

so one day I walk into my room and I find this comic on my dresser, which my dad put there, after he crossed out Nicole's name and replacing it with my friend Ana's and then crossing out Paige's name and replacing it with mine. Yes Ana and I do text when we are sitting right next to each really is more efficient.

me and my best friend

don't ask how we got in space...we're just Secret Agents

we also ride roller coasters at 11:00pm awwooo

yes I know what you're thinking but it was necessary for us to eat with cool trays

because me and lilia shrank...or maybe just lilia shrunk to my size

pretty much

isn't amazing that one little balloon can carry you above the clouds?


we also swam with the fishes after we went to space but before we walked through the Lincoln Tunnel

baby bella

I just thought the sky looked cool

haha for LG

and thats pretty much it...


  1. Dude, I've totally seen that comic before, and I immediately thought of you and Ana!!! Haha, I LOVE THE PIN/BUTTON THINGY!!!! WHERE DID YOU FIND IT???

  2. haha yeah ana'a grandpa cut out that comic for her too and said it was me and her haha
    i found it on facebook

  3. HA way to steal my pic idea! but whatevs. Oh I like that pin thing. YOu can totally use that. Okay you little liar!!!!!YOu said you didn't know what LBSAN is!!!! I can't beleieve you!!!You have absolutly NO way to get around it girl. You just used it on your PUBLIC BLOG! LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR!!!!

  4. what Heather?
    I don't know what you are talking about

  5. Heather, don't frighten Sarah, please. She knows nothing, I promise.

  6. yeah Heather you're gonna make me cry! Don't frighten me! I know nothing....wait let me rephrase that.....I don't know anything you are talking about

  7. haha I know seriously best comic in the world right there it totally describes me and ana

  8. I love how Cree just totally ninja-ed in a comic tag...

    just how I ninja-ed in a ninja tag... OHH
